Free Will Baptist Theology

B&H Academic Press Features Books with Chapters by Commission Chairman Matt Pinson

B&H Academic, the academic publisher of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), has recently released two new books that may interest our readers with chapters from our chairman, Matt Pinson (who serves as president of Welch College.) The first is Calvinism: A Biblical and Theological Critique, edited by David L. Allen and Steve W. Lemke, which was released last August. The second is A Handbook of Theology, edited by Daniel L. Akin, David S. Dockery, and Nathan A. Finn, which will be officially released on April 1.

In 2010 Allen and Lemke edited a book entitled Whosoever Will: A Biblical-Theological Critique of Five-Point Calvinism. The audience for this book was the SBC. The editors have geared this new book, which features eleven new chapters together with revised and updated editions of four of the chapters from the 2010 book, toward the broader evangelical community.
One of the endorsements for the book is from Welch College Professor Emeritus and former Academic Dean Robert E. Picirilli. He said, “For anyone interested in the historic debate between Calvinists and non-Calvinists, I highly recommend this work. I will want to keep a copy handy in the future, so that I can use it for reference. . . . Thanks to editors Lemke and Allen and to B&H Academic for making this available.”

Pinson’s 44-page chapter is entitled “Dissent from Calvinism in the Baptist Tradition,” and surveys the
the decline of Calvinism in Baptist groups that had their heritage among the Calvinistic English Particular
Baptists, as well as the history of Arminianism in Baptist denominations such as the English General Baptists, the Free Will Baptists in America, and the General Baptists of the American Midwest.

Akin, Dockery, and Finn are editing a new series for B&H Academic entitled Theology for the People of God. The first release in this series is the 691-page book, A Handbook of Theology. Pinson was asked to write one of the book’s forty-nine chapters. That 16-page chapter, entitled “Holy Scripture,” discusses the doctrine of Scripture, especially its inspiration, inerrancy, and authority.

Timothy Tennent, president of Asbury Seminary, says in his endorsement of A Handbook of Theology, “In this remarkable guide . . . respected theologians have laid a proper foundation of the broad contours of Christian theology, upon which a lifetime of study can be built. I heartily recommend it.”
Copies of these books may be obtained at

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