2022 Symposium Highlights Picirilli’s Contributions

On October 3-4, the Commission for Theological Integrity will hold its annual symposium on the campus of Welch College in Gallatin, Tennessee. The theme is “The Legacy of Robert Picirilli.” This year’s presenters include both new ones and past ones, including Dr. Picirilli himself. In addition to presenting…

Male Headship in 1 Corinthians 11:3-16

Cory Thompson The meaning of words matters, especially in the biblical text. The authority of the Bible is a critical issue that confronts every age. To faithfully follow the Lord Jesus is to faithfully follow his Word. To faithfully follow the Lord Jesus and his Word, the Christian…

What Does the Christian Tradition Say about the Ordination of Women? 

Kevin Hester   When discussing the ordination of women from a historical perspective there is a theological tension that must be observed. This tension is tested at various points by cultural perspectives that at different times and in different eras tend to push the discussion in different ways.…

What is Complementarianism?

Rodney Holloman With so many controversial subjects such as the war raging in the Ukraine, the complete polarization of politics in the West, rampant plagiarism in the pulpit, and even more recently, the role of winsomeness, the Commission for Theological Integrity decided to address a topic that would…

Revisiting the Commission’s Convention Seminar

Theological Commission Two Mondays ago, the members of the Commission for Theological Integrity shared a series of short presentations during our annual Convention seminar. These presentations were collectively titled, “Men’s and Women’s Roles in the Church and Home.” We had intended to have a lengthier discussion time at…
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