2023 Theological Symposium | Is Moon’s MINCE Approach a Viable and Biblical Model to Help with Church Revitalization and Church Planting Efforts?
Eddie Moody, Moody outlined a proposal by Jay Moon for how churches can maintain financial viability and serve their communities in creative ways.…
2023 Symposium Wrap-Up | Randall University
2023 Symposium Meets at Randall University by Dr. Jackson Watts The theological symposium, sponsored by the Commission for Theological Integrity, met October 2-3 on the campus of Randall University. Approximately 80 attendees from five states gathered for this annual event. For many, this was their first experience at…

2023 Theological Symposium | Joshua Hunter, Maimonides and Arminianism: The Great Rabbi’s Views on Free Will and Baptism
Joshua Hunter, Maimonides and Arminianism: The Great Rabbi’s Views on Free Will and Baptism. Hunter showed how a revered Medieval rabbi proves to be an unlikely but interesting conversation partner for Free Will Baptists. …

2023 Theological Symposium | Matthew Bracey, Robert E. Picirilli’s Contribution to Philosophical Worldview Thinking
Matthew Bracey, Robert E. Picirilli’s Contribution to Philosophical Worldview Thinking. Bracey surveyed Picirilli’s contributions to the subject of philosophy by way of his long-used, unpublished manuscript.…

2023 Theological Symposium | Alejandro Johnson, The Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture: Antiochene Theōria as a Viable Hermeneutic for Today
Alejandro Johnson, The Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture: Antiochene Theōria as a Viable Hermeneutic for Today. Johnson explained an ancient school of interpretation which broke free of the dominant allegorical approach.…