Symposium Recap – Jeff Cockrell on the New Perspective on Paul and Its Effects
by Rodney Holloman “What value, if any, is there in this new perspective?” was the question asked by Dr. Jeff Cockrell as he began his presentation. I chuckled as this is what I am normally thinking when approaching this area of study and I appreciated him acknowledging this…
Symposium Recap – Matthew McAffee on Divine Judgment in the Old Testament World
by Kevin L. Hester Dr. Matthew McAffee, Provost of Welch College, provided one of the more technical and stimulating papers at the 2017 Theological Symposium. His paper entitled, “Losing Favor with the Gods: Divine Judgment in the Old Testament World” analyzed Northwestern Semitic funerary and monument inscriptions to…
Symposium Recap – Cultural Evolution and the Documentary Hypothesis
by W. Jackson Watts Raven Tuttobene, a graduate student at Welch College, presented a paper entitled “I Love Lucy: Assumptions in Using Cultural Evolution as the Basis for the Documentary Hypothesis.” We’re always pleased to have first-time presenters on our program, especially ones who can further expose some…
The Meaning of Baptism (Part 2 of 2)
by Kevin L. Hester In my previous article, we examined the theological significance of baptism. We saw that baptism provides a picture of salvation from repentance to consummation in the resurrection of the last day. Baptism teaches us that our salvation comes by virtue of our union with…

Individual Election, Corporate Election, and Arminianism
by Matthew Pinson There is a flurry of activity at present from quarters in the Arminian theological community on the doctrine of corporate election. The exponents of this view are able and must be reckoned with, both by Calvinists and Arminians who emphasize the individual, personal nature of…