On Creatureliness

W. Jackson Watts Over the last 15-20 years I’ve spent an extensive amount of time reading, thinking, and occasionally writing about the interrelated themes of creation, culture, and creatureliness. Some of my interest in these was no doubt always latent, given that I was raised in a rural,…

How the Little Lord Jesus Asleep on the Hay Accomplishes Salvation: Understanding the Work of Christ in His Infancy           

Cory Thompson (Editor Note: In this special year-end article, Cory Thompson connects some important biblical doctrines to the birth of Christ. We hope it fuels clearer thinking about this part of Scripture in the future!) The narratives surrounding the Christmas event are rarely read with Jesus in his…

On C.S. Lewis & Chronological Snobbery

by Matthew Pinson In my courses at Welch College, I often introduce my students to C. S. Lewis’s comments on “chronological snobbery.” Lewis described himself before he became a Christian, when he was still an atheist, as a chronological snob. He defined chronological snobbery as the “uncritical acceptance…