On October 3-4, the Commission for Theological Integrity will hold its annual symposium on the campus of Welch College in Gallatin, Tennessee. The theme is “The Legacy of Robert Picirilli.”
This year’s presenters include both new ones and past ones, including Dr. Picirilli himself. In addition to presenting a paper, Picirilli will participate in a Q&A segment. The exact schedule of events will be available shortly, but the paper titles and presenters are as follows:
“True Libertarian Freedom and Molinism” (Robert Picirilli)
“There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy: Robert Picirilli’s Theology of the Extent of the Atonement.” (Jesse Owens)
“Moderating the Maelstrom: Robert E. Picirilli, W. S. Mooneyham, and the Battle for Denominational Identity.” (Charles Cook)
“How Church Membership Fosters Assurance of Salvation: Connecting Soteriology and Ecclesiology” (W. Jackson Watts)
“Robert E. Picirilli’s Contribution to Philosophical Worldview Thinking” (Matthew Bracey)
“The Epistemology of Robert E. Picirilli” (Alejandro Johnson)
“A Reflection of Law, Legalism, and the Sufficiency of Christ in the Thought of Robert E. Picirilli” (Matthew Honeycutt)
“Apostasy in 2 Peter: Its Literary Setting and the Role of Spiritual Immaturity” (Matthew McAffee)
The symposium is a free event. Attendees need only arrange for their lodging and meals. Dining options are available on campus and in nearby restaurants during mealtimes. Questions about this year’s event should be directed to Rev. Cory Thompson at fwbtheology@gmail.com.