As a follow up to an earlier post describing the relationship of Free Will Baptist scholars and theologians with the Evangelical Theological Society, we offer the following presentations from the 2015 conference. All of the recordings are available here.
Matt Pinson (President of Welch College; Commission Chairman) – “Reformed Arminianism: A Non-Wesleyan Appropriation of the Legacy of Arminius.””
Matthew McAffee (Professor and Campus Pastor at Welch College): “Biblical King Og and the Ugaritic Deity Rāpiʾu: Sorting Out Two Figures in Light of the Rephaim and the Toponyms Ashtaroth and Edrei.”
Jesse Owens (Pastor; PhD Student at Southern Seminary) – “Scripture and History in the Theology of John Goodwin.”
Jackson Watts (Pastor; Commission member); “The Gospel of Singleness.”